
Grocery Shopping and the Environment

In the not-so-distant past, vast portions of the Earth were comprised of untouched wilderness, encompassing grasslands, forests, and deserts. However, over the past few centuries, the need for agricultural practices to sustain human life has led to the replacement of these natural habitats with cultivated farmland.

Livestock necessitates significantly more land compared to growing crops for human consumption. Pastures and farms dedicated to animal feed production now occupy more than three-quarters of all agricultural land, despite providing less than 20% of the total calories consumed by people. By reducing meat consumption and embracing plant-based alternatives, we can diminish the global demand for livestock and mitigate the resulting environmental impact.

For more on what you can do with your shopping choices to protect the environment, check out the accompanying resource.

The Impact of Groceries from Green Rabbit, a cold chain logistics solution service



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